Monday, February 15, 2016

Real Time Rubrics to the Rescue

Would you like to decrease the time it takes to score assignments?  Be more consistent while you grade?  “A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work.  A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery.”  (Carnegie MellonRubrics provide clear guidelines for the students and instructors.  Rubrics can reduce the time to score assignments, reduce bias, and increase grading consistency.
Blackboard offers a tool that provides a simple integration into Blackboard assignments or for assignments outside of Blackboard.  Here’s a short video on how to create a rubric within Blackboard.

Need help?  We’re ready for you!  CTE offers a workshops on creating rubric, Tips for Effective Rubrics.  Also, Teri Judge is facilitating a workshop on how she successfully implemented rubrics to assess her students’ skill performance.  The Real Time Rubrics workshop is using a flipped classroom strategy approach to identify best practices for creating rubrics to evaluate your students' work.  The workshop will conclude with a hands-on opportunity for you to develop a basic rubric related to that assignment.  Read her article in the November/December 2015 CTE Newsletter, Rubrics-Not so Intimidating After All!  Register for a workshop through the CTEregistration system.

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